Patient Testimonials

“Having LASIK surgery was one of the best decisions I have made. Dr Lind and her staff are very helpful and did a great job for explaining everything. I wish I had done it a long time ago.”
— DJ, Lind Eye Care Patient
“LASIK surgery has been a life changing experience, and one of the best investments that I have made to improve my quality of life. The staff at Lind Eye Care are exceptional and create a level of comfort by explaining each step of the process.”
— SH, Lind Eye Care Patient
“LASIK surgery was the best thing I ever had done. Before the surgery, I was so blind I had to put on my huge thick glasses to see the alarm clock. I wouldn’t wear glasses as the lenses were too thick for the frame. After surgery, NO glasses, NO thick lenses, and best of all I can see the alarm clock without needing any help. LASIK surgery was the best and greatest thing I have done. Thank you very much for giving me my eyesight back. “
— JM, Lind Eye Care Patient

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